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Seasoned adventurer and treasure hunter Dirk Pitt, a former Navy SEAL, sets out for the African desert with his wisecracking buddy Al in search of a confederate ironclad battleship rumored to have vanished long ago, the main draw being the treasure supposedly hidden within the lost vessel. When the daring duo come across Dr. Eva Rojas, a beautiful scientist who is juggling an escape from a warlord and a mission to stop the spread of a powerful plague, their desert expedition begins to heat up.
Released: 2005
Category: movie
Running time: 124 min
Language: English
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tania andrew


Words like "Literary work" and "Clive Cussler" really shouldn't be in the same sentence. Hey...chill...I love Clive Cussler, I honestly do. In fact I'll put him in the same league as Elmore Leonard...
tania andrew


Decent watch, might watch again, but can't recommend unless you're running out of things to watch or are an action archaeology fan. This was a weird attempt created a 2005 version of Indiana Jones,...